Who do I consult for varicose vein treatments in CA?
If you have varicose veins, you must consult a reputable vein doctor near your location in CA. Varicose veins are dense masses of blood vessels bulging out of the skin’s surface in a twisted, knotted, and tangled form. They’re often indicative of underlying venous insufficiency, a medical condition wherein your vein valves collapse and blood accumulate in your leg veins. As such, you must avoid medical spas and dermatologists offering cosmetic treatments. Instead, you should consult phlebologists, i.e., doctors specializing in venous medicine and minimally invasive varicose vein treatments.
Vein Treatment Clinic has some of the best board-certified vein specialists in California. Our vein doctors have specialized training in vascular imaging and the latest minimally invasive vein treatments. They diagnose the root cause of your vein problems to recommend non-surgical treatments that conclude within an hour with no downtime. You can find our vein doctors at 5330 Carroll Canyon Rd Suite 140, a short drive from the popular Torrey Pines beach state park in the beautiful La Jolla neighborhood. You may schedule an appointment online or call us at +1 858-461-7886.
What are the best varicose vein treatments?
In the recent past, the only way to treat varicose veins was through surgical procedures, like vein ligation, vein stripping, and venous bypass surgery. These surgical procedures had a relatively low success rate and a fairly high risk of complications. They also involved considerable downtime and an extended recovery period.
Advanced minimally invasive varicose vein treatments, however, provide far better results without the same problems. Minimally invasive vein treatments are safe and effective procedures that cause no pain or discomfort and conclude within an hour with no downtime. They’re “lunchtime” procedures that you can squeeze into a packed schedule.
The following is a brief overview of the best varicose vein treatments:
- Radiofrequency Ablation: The vein doctor makes a small incision on the skin’s surface to insert an ultrasound-guided catheter into the diseased saphenous vein. The catheter delivers thermal energy into the diseased vein’s walls to seal it shut and reroute the accumulated blood to healthier leg veins.
- Endovenous Laser Ablation: The vein doctor makes a small incision on the skin’s surface to insert an ultrasound-guided laser fiber into the diseased saphenous vein. The laser fiber delivers laser energy into the affected vein’s walls to seal it shut, rerouting the accumulated blood to healthier leg veins.
- VenaSeal: The vein doctor injects a medical-grade adhesive into the diseased saphenous vein to seal its walls shut. The accumulated blood reroutes to healthier leg veins, and the diseased vein eventually gets absorbed by the body.
- Ambulatory Phlebectomy: The vein doctor physically extracts the superficial varicose veins through small incisions on the skin’s surface. The incision marks eventually heal and fade away. This treatment is only suitable for the visible varicose veins on the skin’s surface — not the underlying vein disease.
- Sclerotherapy: The vein specialist injects a special sclerosing solution into the spider veins to make their walls shrink and turn into scar tissues. Over time, the scar tissues get absorbed by the body and fade away from the skin’s surface. This treatment is only suitable for the visible spider veins — not the underlying vein disease.
What is the root cause of varicose veins?
Chronic venous insufficiency is usually the underlying root cause of varicose veins. Venous insufficiency is a medical condition wherein your vein valves collapse. In healthy veins, the valves act as one-way doors, ensuring effective blood circulation towards the heart. When the vein valves collapse, your blood flows backward due to gravity to accumulate in your leg veins, leading to vascular dilation and the eventual formation of varicose veins.
When should you worry about varicose veins?
You should worry about varicose veins the moment you notice the dense bulging veins on your legs. The presence of varicose veins indicates that you already have advanced venous insufficiency and must immediately seek diagnosis and treatment. Ideally, you should be wary of the symptoms of vein disease and seek treatment before you even develop varicose veins. The earliest warning signs of vein disease include leg heaviness, frequent leg cramps, leg swelling, leg pain, and spider veins.
Is walking good for varicose veins?
Yes, walking is good for varicose veins because it increases your blood circulation, allowing some of the accumulated blood to flow towards your heart. However, walking only provides temporary relief from the symptoms of vein disease. You must consult a vein doctor for effective diagnosis and treatments for lasting relief.
How can I repair my veins naturally?
There are no home remedies or natural solutions to varicose veins. You can make some lifestyle adjustments to reduce your risk of varicose veins or alleviate some of the symptoms of vein disease, but you can’t repair your veins without medical intervention. If you’d like to alleviate the discomfort caused by varicose veins, you can wear compression stockings, engage in light cardio exercises, walk frequently, and avoid sitting or standing still for long periods. All of these tips improve your blood circulation, thereby alleviating the discomfort caused by vein disease.
What happens if you don’t treat varicose veins?
If you don’t treat varicose veins, blood will continue accumulating in your over-dilated veins. Eventually, your varicose veins might cave under the pressure and burst, leading to profuse and unstoppable bleeding. Untreated vein disease also leads to skin disease, skin discoloration, leg ulcers, and deep vein thrombosis.
Does insurance cover varicose vein treatment?
Yes, insurance may cover your varicose vein treatment if you have underlying venous insufficiency — but not if you have superficial varicose veins without vein disease. Our vein doctors perform thorough vascular imaging tests to identify vein disease and provide visual evidence to support your insurance claims.